This is another type of Marketing Strategy that involves attracting customers and is mainly focused on the viewpoint of the customer. Here the customers come up searching for a product that the market has to offer, and it works on presenting the service in the best possible way to make the customer buy it.
Hence this type of strategy is also known to be the “pull marketing strategy” where the customers automatically get pulled toward the product in the market because they want to buy that. So there is no external push acting on customers to make them buy.

Mainly since the customers are attracted towards the market out of their own will, the producers are mainly concerned with working towards the psychology of the customer. That means they try to make their product such needy and available that consumers cannot ignore their offer as they are mainly focused on buying, and buying the best! Henceforth, this strategy works to increase the volume of customers towards a service which then results positively in the company's revenue system. So this strategy works on some specific procedures like:
ATTRACTION: Where the firm and company tend to show their focus on their product so much that can mold a customer’s psychology to buy it. So they keep their products attractive, easily available, and high quality just according to the customer’s requirement.
KEEPING ENGAGEMENT: When the customers are already attracted the company makes sure that their product should be of such quality that has the capability to retain a customer and keep them engaged for a long time. So the customers get their expectations of a product with benefits fulfilled. Hence the company builds up another chance for the customer to revisit them for buying purposes. So this increases their competition.
CONCLUSION DRAWING: This occurs when the customer is fully satisfied with the services offered and aims for another chance of buying. So, the sellers are able to impact the concluding power of the customer. This means they are successful in both selling their products and making the right kind of selling. And they gain more attention from new customers once again. So this loop gets continued and the company maintains it well through the strategy of inbound marketing.

We tend to see this kind of marketing mostly on the digital platform. As an inbound marketing strategy is already considered a part of the bigger digital marketing aspects, it gets its chance to sell its products through various online sites, or maybe it itself is the site. So whenever we’re online and searching for some good content we are indirectly reaching out to the sellers of inbound marketing firms.
Some very common examples to be considered are:

Yes! This is for sure the kind of marketing that is mostly searched today. People tend to be curious about all the happenings around the world and look up the web for content that is easy to understand and grabs their attention at a very glance. So proving the customer with any sort of content just according to their requirement is the main concern of inbound marketing companies.
People search every day, almost every second for something new about all the common aspects, and when they get to find their content they increase traffic to that site thereby making the sellers easily process their marketing strategies. Contents can come in various forms like video content offered by YOUTUBE or TWITCH, written content by WIKIPEDIA or other sites, search engines like GOOGLE, YAHOO which enhance and comes up with the most needed search results, social media platforms like INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, etc.
When we tend to read any article or get informed we mostly get drawn toward good blogs with great content. Even when we want to inform the world about something we use the web platform to create our blog and articles and try to gain more traffic. So we are to enhance the inbound marketing strategies. Just like that companies rely on producing excellent blogs and articles to draw the attention of customers towards their offer and this way they lead their company towards growth.
This is a platform that is maintained mostly for its quality content and pictures. It is made to attract viewers mostly who want not to read but to see and understand. So it provides great imagery collections that keep its contents fresh and new for constant customers' attention
Here, the website company keeps an updated collection of electronic storybooks and sometimes offers easy and full access to customers who find it most eligible. So in this way, they can enhance their growth of marketing.
This mostly acts on the web as an electronic page offering main contents about complicated issues and their results, outcomes, or even a decision-making process of a person. So customers like bigger business people even tend to flock around and to the website to meet their inquiries and problems thereby increasing the traffic rate of the website which then benefits the company.

This is a platform that enables direct customer connections to any website where the marketing is to be processed. So this is a great platform where people tend to search according to their needs and thereby making the company place various offers and links and establish direct promotion of their products to the customers through emails or messages.

Hence, if we look at the other aspects of this type of marketing, we can see how they devise tools like SEO-based content to increase their content sales the company or even convince the customer through promotions and offers and make their offer look attractive thereby pulling a customer towards itself.
So it has plenty of other examples to be given which we witness almost every day when we surf the web. It can be EMAIL MARKETING, LEAD FLOWS, CONVERSATION inboxes, and CHATBOTS which are all considerable tools to help process inbound marketing in the digital world. However, the above-stated are the primary places this type of marketing acts.

Another famous quotation that directly emphasizes and brings into focus the expectations of both the sellers and producers where asks more like benefiting each other rather than loosely approaching a customer. It correctly mentions helping by meeting the needs and requirements of the customers so that the sellers are provided with the full expected valuation of their products. So approaching the customer, reaching out for their help, or spreading awareness towards them definitely shows the huge outreach of this type of marketing.