When we tend to think more about ourselves, we tend to paint a reality of our own. A dream-like life with lots of positivity and high hopes. New aspirations without anyone asking for doing ‘tasks’ just in exchange for a little amount of care! Do we really love a person because he/she only comes in our need, do we really lie to ourselves then?

This world revolves around this distressing situation for finding out that are we loved enough for who we are! We think that it questions our reality of living. This article by reading itself might be that distressing as well, but if we question our existence we often opt to shift from reality. We stick to surrealism. ‘Surrealism’ is a term or a movement of art and literature that arose in 20th century England which tends to focus on the

state of one’s subconscious dream-like mind and put it onto the canvas of reality. In short, we portray our dream-like state into reality which gets much practical and modernized in this century we live in. In a whole new globalized world of modernity, we are merely running for our dreams, on our dreams! A child at first learns to sketch a portrait which he/she doesn’t know, later it turns out to be a figure which he is inspired with, and even later turns out he wants that figure to live in its own reality. So basically he tends to live in his own dreamland where the world listens to him.

He is not a psychotic character on ‘his’ reality but when the other person’s dreamland collides with his own, he feels to make his dreamy state more approachable and better. But what lacks, in this case, is the emotion and attachment to this real world of competition and anxiety for recognition. Where again self-worth comes into existence.

So we can say that if you ought to find out how you truly wish to live, you might succeed to build your dreamland into this reality! This means at first you ‘dream’, as it inspires you, then work according to your path of inspiration and then put your experiences into actions by that stuff which gets valued in this world. This doesn’t mean getting on with the usual flow of life but where each one comes with a newer and different world which he dreams and then makes it into his reality which gives him the satisfaction of living! So there is no anxiety about meeting others’ expectations as each one is quite happy with their own. So maybe a ‘new world’ in ‘reality is created!