Well! Since the dawn of civilization, man always has been accompanied by dogs! They were always the most adorable, and ferocious when it comes to protecting their loved ones, and the most awesome on-the-go friends to humans.
Dogs are probably the most well-known animals in the “PET KINGDOM” mostly known for their ever-innocent behavior and care for their master.
But, even unlike human beings, Dogs can even show certain physical responses and behavior towards any external stimulation that can be hilarious and simultaneously make you wonder about the reason for it.

At times we often come across such noisy nights when a vibrating and disturbing sound is heard from the dog bed! Well, Of course, it means the dog was snoring just like we humans do.
And guess what they are even cute to watch. But if that is too loud then it can be irritating simultaneously.
Dogs are naturally very adaptive towards their surroundings and their master, however, they too need special attention and care so that the changing environment might not affect them.
Snoring occurs generally when the nasal airway passage or the throat passageway gets obstructed by relaxed tissue muscle on its sideways, then the air has to forcibly pass through the narrow and shrinking passage, which then emits such a sound, just like humans!
Hence, if we ask ourselves how and why they do so then we must take into consideration some following facts related to both their environments and their biological mechanism.
And that might also help in identifying the dog’s health as well.

When the dog is feeling way too cozy and closer to its master it might sometimes develop the habit of sleeping at its back rather than its usual curled-up pattern.
This often leads their long tongue to relax too much causing a little obstruction of air through their throat passageway.
That can cause a dog to snore. It generally tends to copy humans unlikely but well, that might not allow their physic to freely cope.

Now! No dogs like having medications and drugs. But oftentimes their bodies need some external treatment that prepares them for their ongoing daily life performances and energy.
Medications such as muscle relaxants or inflammation drugs naturally tend to relax their body thereby causing their nasal or throat muscle to relax more thereby creating an obstruction to their airways, making them snore during sleep.

Just unlike any human, dogs are prone to catch a seasonal cold. Even they tend to suffer from fever as well which needs to be taken care of.
Due to the common cold and flu, there is an accumulation of discharged pus onto the sinuses of the nose or lungs thereby making the airways shrink or partially get blocked.
That results in excessive and discomforting snores at night.

Allergies, be they recurring or seasonal can play a huge role in causing a dog to snore. Even dogs can be irritated by common dust or smoke or even pollen.
It is mainly accompanied by “ DRY NASAL PASSAGEWAYS”, “ASTHMA ON DOGS”, or “SINUSITIS”.
All these are mostly responsible to cause inflammation of either lungs’ airways or throat or even the nasal airflow passage that tends to loosen up the muscle or get blocked by pus accumulation.
Hence once again there occurs partial obstruction of air which then contributes to snoring as its outcome.

Yes! Even a dog breed is responsible for snoring. Breeds that are commonly known as the “BRACHYCEPHALIC BREED” or also the “FLAT FACED PUG” naturally tend to have a different skull structure, unlike the other dog breeds.
Genetically they have a wide and short skull and nose structure which eventually tends to cause an obstruction in their airflow.

Some common dogs of these breeds are “PUG”, “And FRENCH BULLDOG”. “BOXER”, “ENGLISH BULLDOG” etc.
Hence they are noisy sleepers by nature. This type of breed tends to possess a high risk of heart disease or teeth deformations or is most often affected by “BRACHYCEPHALIC OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY SYNDROME (BOAS)” due to their disproportionate structure.
Hence they demand special care from masters who also have to endure their snoring.

If the dog is feeding itself without working out too much it may be affected by obesity. Masters should encourage their dogs to get their daily physical exercise done.
Obese dogs tend to be more prone to snoring as their already overweight physic causes some nasal muscles to loosen up or get inflated inside thereby causing trouble to their airways. That causes them to snore more frequently.

A dog mostly diagnosed with “HYPOTHYROIDISM” tend to snore quite often.
Due to this disorder, dogs tend to gain unusual weight or feel tired mostly due to their inactive or less active thyroid functioning.
This is the most common type of sickness found on dogs which again requires special care. Hence, in these cases, they are more likely to snore than other dogs due to their weak health conditions and immune system.

Dogs tend to be one of the most playful animals in the pet world.
But this attitude often leads them to either choke on physical objects at times or maybe the object can get stuck deep into their mouthparts while playing.
This if not released or taken out on time might create a partial blockage to the airway which can cause snoring.
Hence masters should be extra careful about their pets while they take them out for a walk or while petting them with random objects.
Hence, Dogs with snoring trouble might be trying to convey an utter need for their health condition, which must not be ignored at any cost in order to give them a happy and healthy lifestyle.
They should be accepted the way they are created and having a noisy sleepy buddy isn’t always too bad to get along.